Every week, Metaland presents you 3 Metaverse news not to be missed for brands!

Don't miss the latest Metaverse news of the week!
⌚Swiss watchmaker Hublot (part of the LVMH group) is entering the Metaverse and is unveiling its Hublot Loves Football Metaverse Stadium on the Spatial.io platform in order to celebrate the World Cup in Qatar, which it is a sponsor and official timer for.
02.12.2022 Edition.
Special Edition: Metaland revisits the various experiences related to football and the 2022 World Cup.

Why is this important?
This is the largest structure built to date on the photorealistic Spatial platform. The brand has enlisted the architecture firm MEIS, the company behind sports infrastructures such as the Everton FC and the Crypto.com Stadium.
🟢 Pros
🏟️ Design: In addition to being impressive, the design of this virtual stadium is inspired by the shape of one of Hublot's recently released products, the Big Bang e-Watch, which will be used by World Cup referees. The brand also showcases its fleet of ambassadors, including Kylian MBappé and Didier Deschamps, as well as videos from the Hublot Loves Football campaign.
⚽ Context: From a marketing perspective, the experience cleverly fits into the brand's universe through an event, a sport, that it supports, as well as a product launch
🔴 Cons
Content: We would have liked to see more content about the Hublot brand or football, more storytelling related to this experience on Spatial.
More links with other physical or virtual experiences would also have been welcome!
🔎 Metaland's review: 6/10
From our point of view, although the stadium is superbly designed and stands out significantly from other spaces on Spatial, the experience creates a feeling of emptiness and the limited amount of content available struggles to keep us engaged and interested in the Swiss brand.
📈 The Hublot space currently has over 12,000 visits and 430 likes.
👉 Take a tour of the Hublot stadium here.
🇦🇷 On November 9, Argentine footballer Sergio "Kun" Agüero launched his experience on The Sandbox, with over 500,000 SAND (270,000 euros) in rewards and a chance to win a trip to Qatar for the World Cup.

Why is this important?
The kuniverse is the first experience of a footballer on The Sandbox and a beautiful illustration of the integration of the Metaverse into the business strategy of an athlete who is already present on gaming media such as the streaming platform Twitch, where he has amassed over 4 million followers.
This activation brings him:
A new revenue stream: the sale of his avatars (NFTs) which his fans also benefit from through their resales on the secondary market.
A new way to connect with his fans through a gamified experience in his image.
🟢 Pros:
Content : The experience transports us to a voxelized stadium where we can find mini-games (based on the football universe), a dance floor, an Argentine food truck, a Qatar zone, ... with a total of 20 Quests.
In conjunction with the event launch, Kun Aguero is offering his collection of avatars, which allows you to own and embody one of the 9,320 variations of the player in The Sandbox. Prices for the avatars start at 34 Euros on the secondary market.
Owners of these avatars have an increased chance of winning a share of the 500K SAND (250K is allocated to owners and 250K to non-NFT players who have more players)
One of the NFT owners will also have the opportunity to win a 4-day trip to Qatar during the World Cup.
🔴 Cons:
Storytelling : As the quest mechanics are similar from one experience to another on The Sandbox, more work is expected on the story, the context of the experience, in order to give it more depth and make an impact on the players.
🔎 Metaland's review: 7/10
An experience with a neat design and many and varied quests. We would have liked a bit more storytelling and content about the athlete, which we think is important, especially for players who are not familiar with the star.
👉 To find out more, click here:
The experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3IPKm6Zoyg
The Avatars: https://opensea.io/collection/kuniverse-avatars
A Twitch live stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1647267611
🇪🇸 Spanish football league "LaLiga" is building an impressive experience on Decentraland.
After a first deal with the football NFT platform Sorare and the company Dapper Labs, offering iconic video moments as NFTs, the Spanish league continues its expansion in the Web3 world through a virtual experience on Decentraland: LaLigaLand.

Why is this important?
LaLiga is the first professional football league to set up on Decentraland.
The program : visit the museum, shop, press room and stadium and complete missions to win wearables for your avatar (shorts and jersey).
Metaland took a tour and we share our impressions with you:
🟢 Pros
The mission menu is very clear and allows us to keep an eye on our progress and our quest for free wearables! A good practice to remember for your metaverse projects.
The short helicopter tour above the experience! ✈️ This allows us to see the extent of the scene and its different buildings. An aerial view like this is rare in Decentraland. The more land you own, the more your creation can extend upwards. LaLiga uses 96 plots here, allowing, via Decentraland's builder, to build up to 120 meters high. If you own 1 plot, you can only reach 20 meters.
The effort of the designers to populate the scene with NPCs (Non-Player Characters) to make the experience more "alive".
The interactive model in the lobby to teleport to each key point of the virtual space.
🔴 Cons
One of the missions in the stadium is to (simply) shoot at a ball. We would have appreciated a more developed mini-game, such as a penalty shootout session for example.
The elevators we are sometimes forced to take that add no value here.
Collection quests (collecting 20 jerseys) a bit too obvious: better hiding them or giving access by answering quizzes would have been more engaging and fun for participants.
🔎 Metaland's review: 7/10
A good start for Laliga. A well-thought-out and substantial experience compared to Decentraland standards. We expect more content that combines different teams and players of the league to make these 96 plots an unmissable place in Decentraland!
We are monitoring the evolution of this space for you and will keep you informed in a future newsletter.
👉 To visit the experience, click here
Have a great day,
Charles from Metaland